Terrorists Caught on Camera Eliminating Rival Group Members in Syria’s Idlib

Terrorists Caught on Camera Eliminating Rival Group Members in Syria’s Idlib

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - A video posted on social media shows masked gunmen from Tahrir al-Sham terrorist group executing 10 members of rival Daesh (ISIL or ISIS) militants in Syria’s Idlib province on Saturday.

Masked gunmen were filmed possibly from window of a building across a street in Idlib, while firing handguns at the heads of 10 men who sat in front of them on the pavement.

The executions were in response to an ISIL suicide bomb attack at a restaurant in Idlib a day earlier, according to Reuters.

Daesh and the groups that make up Tahrir al-Sham, including al Qaeda’s former affiliate the Nusra Front have opposed each other for years.

Tahrir al-Sham is the main terrorist group in northwest Syria, with a large armed presence throughout Idlib including along the Turkish border.

Daesh, which seized large swathes of Syria and neighboring Iraq in 2014, now faces final defeat in a tiny enclave in eastern Syria.


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