Iran, UAE Economic Activists Discuss Development of Joint Investments

Iran, UAE Economic Activists Discuss Development of Joint Investments

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – An expert-level meeting was held in Tehran on Tuesday at the initiative taken by Iran and UAE Joint Chamber of Commerce to discuss increasing joint investments in trade and economic fields.

It was attended by economic activists of public and private sectors of the United Arab Emirates and senior officials of the Social Security Investment Company (Shasta) aimed at reviewing the investment opportunities in Iran.

Emphasizing that amicable relations between Iran and UAE, which are deep rooted, Shasta Managing Director Ebrahim Bazian said that the volume of trade exchanges between the two countries has been growing in recent decades and the United Arab Emirates has always been considered as one of Iran’s main trade partners.

Turning to the geopolitical situation of Iran in Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO), he reiterated that Iran has direct access to the market of one billion people of this region which necessitates joint economic cooperation with neighbors, especially the United Arab Emirates.

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