Bahraini Security Forces Storm Citizens’ Homes, Arrest 11

Bahraini Security Forces Storm Citizens’ Homes, Arrest 11

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Bahraini regime has stepped up security measures ahead of the 5th anniversary of the Persian Gulf country’s popular uprising. In their latest moves, the regime forces attacked citizens’ homes and arrested dissidents near capital.

In a three-hour operation early on Sunday, security forces and militants affiliated to the Bahraini interior ministry attacked homes in districts on the outskirts of Manama, local media reported.

According to the report, the forces have not had any judicial permission to storm the nationals’ homes and arrest them.

This is while plain-clothes officers and military vehicles were patrolling in Diraz and Ma'ameer districts on Sunday.

The Manama regime forces also arrested 11 people without legal permission, the report added.

Bahrain, a close ally of the US in the Persian Gulf region, has been witnessing almost daily protests against the ruling Al Khalifa dynasty since early 2011, with Manama using heavy-handed measures in an attempt to crush the demonstrations.

Scores of Bahrainis have been killed and hundreds of others injured and arrested in the ongoing crackdown on the peaceful demonstrations.

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