Islamic Radios, Televisions Union Blasts Israel’s Attacks on Media

Islamic Radios, Televisions Union Blasts Israel’s Attacks on Media

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Islamic Radios and Televisions Union in a statement on Tuesday condemned Israeli regime’s attack on institute of Trans Media and office of Palestinian Today TV station.

The full text of the statement is as follows:

Statement of the Islamic Radios and Televisions Union

The Islamic Radios and Televisions Union condemns the action by forces of the Zionist occupied regime who attacked the institute of “Trans Media” as well as the office of satellite TV “Palestine Today” and confiscated the equipment and arrested Farouq Alian, its director, on Friday morning, March, 3, 2016, at Al-bireh city in the west coast which took place after the meeting of limited cabinet of Netanyahu`s extremist government. The government which encouraged terrorism and massacre from the first moments of the Quds Intifada; so that during the first speech of Netanyahu, the journalists and activists of the social media accused of instigation the Intifada. 

The ratification of the cabinet of Zionist regime in prosecution towards the journalists and activists of social media on charge of inciting to intifada has been identified as perilous issue by the Islamic Radios and Televisions Union. The Issue which led to arresting Sami Al-saei, the reporter of the Al-fajr newspaper.

These Zionist ratifications are identified as the terrorism framework against the nation of Palestine as well as the defeated effort aim at deleting the Palestinian Intifada through prosecution towards the media activists as well as their media offices in Palestine. As it took place on Friday morning towards the satellite TV “Palestine Today” and its staffs including Muhammad Umreh, Shabib Shabib as well as its director, Farouq Alian was in line with the mentioned policy.

• Closing the TV “Palestine Today” and prosecution towards its staffs and confiscation of the equipment were carried out with the aim of truth disappearing and devoice of the resistance which is transmitted through by Palestinian media. Suspending the satellite channel of “Al-aqsa” through EUtelsat was also clear violation towards the freedom of expression and a failed attempt to cover up the crimes of the invaders.

• It is clear that Zionist regime continues the crime, hostility and daily terrors as well as massacre of women and children. That is why, they try to make blind the fact-finding eyes of the journalists, writers and activists of social media who want to disgrace them and to transmit their crimes.

• The Islamic Radios and Televisions Union praises the involved in the media, especially the satellite TV “Palestine Today” which will be as guiding flag for fighters who try in drafting the enemies and stresses dedicating its offices to staffs of the TV which always has covered the Quds Intifada until it became as one of the main organs of the Intifada.

• The Union believes that, the Zionist forces continue the terrorist and brutal behaviors and target the media teams at the battlefields of Palestinian nation in regaining the occupied territories. 

Accordingly, the union calls for all media institutes and Islamic, Arab and international media unions especially across the Arab and Islam world to support the Palestinian media activists and help them in carryings out their media responsibilities through all means and possible ways.

We demand the immediate release of our colleagues who were arrested on Friday morning and also a few days later; and we also ask all international organizations to press the Zionist regime in release of 18 reporters and journalist who are in Zionist prisons.

Glory to the media brave men of the battlefields
Peace be upon the martyrs, detainees and the wounded of media
Altogether towards a free and resistant media

Islamic Radios and Televisions Union

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