S. Korea's Park Not to Respond to Prosecutor Request: Lawyer

S. Korea's Park Not to Respond to Prosecutor Request: Lawyer

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - South Korean President Park Geun-hye will not respond to prosecutors' request to question her, her lawyer said on Monday, amid a deepening political crisis over a scandal involving her old friend accused of meddling in state affairs.

The lawyer, Yoo Yeong-ha, said in a statement she had to deal with the "fast-moving situation" and so there was little time for Park to cooperate with prosecutors, who had asked to question her by Tuesday, Reuters reported.

Park's presidency has been rocked by allegations that a close friend used her ties to the leader to meddle in state affairs and wield improper influence. Prosecutors investigating the case have indicted her friend, Choi Soon-sil, and are seeking to question the president about her role in the scandal.

Park, whose five-year term ends in February 2018, has apologized twice over the affair but is resisting calls for her resignation. Opposition parties are canvassing for support to impeach her.

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