Zionist-Neocon Groups in US Seeking to Help Riyadh Develop Nukes: Analyst

Zionist-Neocon Groups in US Seeking to Help Riyadh Develop Nukes: Analyst

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A former US army psychological warfare officer and counter-terrorism analyst said certain “Zionist-Neocon interest groups” operating inside the US want to help Saudi Arabia develop nuclear weapons.

“There are certain Zionist-Neocon interest groups who no doubt want to assist Saudi Arabia in developing nuclear weapons, while at the same time stopping Iran from defending itself in any conventional way, because their plan is to destroy the government of Iran, overthrow its Islamic revolution, and disintegrate Iran into a meager and weak nation that can be used as a colony puppet regime of the West—as was done by the British-American oil companies after 1953," Scott Bennett told Tasnim.

Scott Bennett is a US Army Special Operations Officer (11th Psychological Operations Battalion, Civil Affairs-Psychological Operations Command), and a global psychological warfare-counterterrorism analyst, formerly with defense contractor Booz Allen Hamilton. He received a Direct Commission as an Officer, held a Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmentalized Information (TS/SCI) security clearance, and worked in the highest levels of international counterterrorism in Washington DC and MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida. He has developed and managed psychological warfare theories, products, and operations for US Special Operations Command, US Central Command, the State Department Coordinator for Counterterrorism, and other government agencies.

His educational background includes a Bachelor of Science in Advertising and Spanish Minor from San Jose State University in California, a Master of Arts in International Business and Public Policy from George Mason University in Virginia, and a Ph.D. (ABD) in Political Theory from the Catholic University of America in Washington D.C. He currently resides in California.

Following is the full text of the interview.

Tasnim: The US Senate has stopped short of forming a majority required to override President Donald Trump’s veto earlier in the month of three congressional resolutions aimed at blocking the country’s arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the UAE. What is your take on this?

Bennett: The saddest and most dangerous element of this failure to override President Donald Trump’s veto is that the Saudi Arabian terrorist regime will continue its genocide of the Yemeni people, and embolden the arrogance and recklessness of the Saudi Arabian dictatorship under Bin Salman to the point where he foolishly tries, once again, to launch military strikes against other peaceful nations in the region—specifically Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and Iran. Another problem that may materialize out of the Saudi perception—or rather Saudi delusion—of them having a license to wage genocide against Yemen and the alleged absolute immunity from war crimes, is that the Saudi regime will engineer another ‘false-flag’ attack in the Persian Gulf, and blame it on the Iranians in order to try and draw in the United States into a larger regional war. This would no doubt trigger a full diplomatic and military response from other nations supporting Iran, including Russia, China, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and the Shiite populations in Pakistan and India as well.

Tasnim: The US Congress has been trying to intervene in Washington’s untrammeled arms sales to Riyadh and Abu Dhabi, which have been leading an invasion of Yemen since March 2015. Congress’ effort was also aimed at attempting to pressure the Saudi government to improve its human rights record. Why did Trump win the veto fight?

Bennett: Money and the false promises of continual Saudi oil revenues supporting the America petrodollar were the primary motivator behind Congress’ failure to stop the US from funding the Saudi “Genocide” war machine. Of course there are American political, media, and military figures who stand against the Saudi Arabian Wahhabist terrorist state, such as Senator Rand Paul, former Congressman Ron Paul, Virginia State Senator Richard Black, Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, Fox News Host Tucker Carlson, Retired General Doug McGregor, and this author (former 2LT Scott Bennett, US Army, Psychological Operations), but the Zionist dominated western media and American-British military-industrial complex often drowns out these voice of reason in preference for the cacophony of war.  The main soundbites used in the “information war” against the American people by the Zionist media and Saudi-Israel apologists is the constant claim of “Iran being a state sponsor of terror” and Iran’s chant “Death to America”. These are effectively used to scare and enrage the American people, and must be therefore counteracted against using truth and historical fact, as well as the exposure of the terrorists such as the M.E.K. (the Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization) which is being falsely branded by the West as “freedom fighters”, etc.

Tasnim: Since President Trump won the 2016 election, a group of US businessmen has sought to profit on deals to build nuclear power plants in Saudi Arabia, while trying to avoid US restrictions designed to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons, the House Oversight Committee said in a new report. Do you believe so? Please explain.

Bennett: There are certain Zionist-Neocon interest groups who no doubt want to assist Saudi Arabia in developing nuclear weapons, while at the same time stopping Iran from defending itself in any conventional way, because their plan is to destroy the government of Iran, overthrow its Islamic revolution, and disintegrate Iran into a meager and weak nation that can be used as a colony puppet regime of the West—as was done by the British-American oil companies after 1953. Israel and Saudi Arabia have manipulated the United States and Britain into waging economic, political, and military war against the enemies of Israel and Saudi Arabia since 2001—when the false-flag attack against the United States was orchestrated by Mossad, the CIA, the British MI6, and Saudi Intelligence Services.  Since then, countries such as Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq have all been targeted from “regime change”—with Iran being one of the last ones remaining. 

However as information continues to evolve and become clear concerning the false Sept. 11 attacks, and the consequent “American Terror Wars” against Muslim nations, the world is shifting its affections and trust away from the West and towards other nations such as Russia. This new emergence of Russia as a chief power broker in the Middle East has pulled Turkey out of the NATO orbit, and no doubt will lead to the abandonment and disintegration of the EU and NATO in the next 4 years.  However, another potential political situation is emerging and that is the potentiality for a US-Iran renewed political talks along the lines of the US-North Korea talks.  Since the US has effectively given away the Golan Heights to Israel (which of course is illegal under international law) and moved the US Embassy, Israel is now unable to criticize the US for any potential political talks, meetings, or relaxation of sanctions, or refusal to engage in military acts against Iran.  President Trump essentially has a free-hand to extend to Iran and have discussions that can lead to a better relationship between American and Iran, potentially re-establish diplomatic relations and a US Embassy in Iran, and unilateral agreements between the US-Iran-Russia-Iraq-Pakistan-India concerning the future of the region. Let’s hope President Trump sees this and is no longer deceived by the Zionist-Saudi-Neocon warmongers around him leading him to war, impeachment, and the destruction of his family name.

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