Iran Ready to Increase Flights to Iraq for Arbaeen

Iran Ready to Increase Flights to Iraq for Arbaeen

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Civil Aviation Organization of Iran is ready to permit a rise in the number of flights to Iraq for this year’s Arbaeen season at the request of Iranian airlines, an official said.

Speaking to Tasnim on Saturday, head of the public relations office of the Civil Aviation Organization of Iran said Iranian airlines have been given permission to operate 721 flights in this year’s Arbaeen season, during which a large crowd of people visit Iraq to pay tribute to Imam Hussein (AS), the third Shiite Imam.

Reza Ja’farzadeh said the Civil Aviation Organization of Iran was prepared to grant permission for “additional flights” during Arbaeen at the request of the airlines.

Last week, Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli said the number of Iranian pilgrims visiting Iraq for Arbaeen was expected to reach three million.

Arbaeen, one of the largest religious gatherings in the world, comes 40 days after Ashura, the martyrdom anniversary of the third Shiite Imam.

Every year, a huge crowd of Shiites flock to the Iraqi city of Karbala, where the holy shrine of Imam Hussein (AS) is located, to perform mourning rites.

In August, Iran and Iraq signed an agreement in Tehran to reopen the Khosravi border crossing and remove visa restrictions for Iranian Arbaeen pilgrims.

Iran and Iraq also agreed to raise the level of services and facilities for the pilgrims and enhance border security during the Arbaeen season, which will culminate in a large gathering in Karbala on October 19.

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