IRGC Quds Force Voices Support for Palestine

IRGC Quds Force Voices Support for Palestine

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Quds Force Brigadier General Esmaeil Qaani reaffirmed Iran’s backing for the Palestinian nation in the struggle against the Israeli regime, praising the resistance forces’ successful military confrontation with the Zionist enemy.

In a telephone conversation with Ismail Haniyeh, the chief of the political bureau of Islamic resistance movement Hamas, the IRGC Quds Force commander assured the Palestinian nation and resistance of the Islamic Republic’s continued support in the battle against the Zionist enemy and its relentless acts of aggression against Jerusalem al-Quds and the Gaza Strip.

The Iranian commander also strongly condemned the Zionist occupiers’ brutal crimes against Palestinian people in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of al-Quds and in Gaza, and lauded the resistance forces’ perfect and successful performance in the face of the Israeli enemy.

For his part, Haniyeh briefed Qaani on the Israeli acts of aggression in Gaza and al-Quds that have killed Palestinian women and children, stressing that the battle in Palestine is a fight involving the whole Islamic Ummah (community).

The Hamas political bureau chief also praised Iran’s support for the Palestinian nation.

Israel has been bombarding the blockaded Gaza Strip for the past several days.

At least 139 Palestinians, including 39 children and 22 women, have been killed and about 1,000 others injured since Monday.

Hamas’ military wing on Saturday vowed to continue to fire rockets at central Israeli-occupied territories after the Israeli military destroyed Al Jalaa tower in Gaza, which housed a number of media outlets.

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