Israeli Airstrike in Southern Lebanon Kills Local Official: Report

Israeli Airstrike in Southern Lebanon Kills Local Official: Report

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – An Israeli airstrike in southern Lebanon claimed the life of Hussein Mansour, the 80-year-old mayor of Taybeh, heightening tensions along the border as the Tel Aviv regime's brutal aggression against Palestinians in Gaza intensifies.

Lebanon's National News Agency (NNA) confirmed the fatality on Monday, reporting that the strike targeting Mansour's home led to his death. "The shell that targeted (Mansour's) house did not explode" but struck the local official and killed him, the NNA said, adding that eight other people were on a balcony with him at the time.

The NNA highlighted Israeli bombardment hitting various Lebanese border towns such as Jabal al-Rihan, Khallet Khazen, Yaroun, and Meir Mimas.

In response, Lebanon's resistance movement Hezbollah, announced shelling three Israeli military outposts near the southern Lebanon border in retaliatory strikes on Monday.

Tensions between Hezbollah and Israel have persisted since early October, ignited by Israel's fierce offensive on Gaza following a surprise operation by Palestinian resistance groups within the occupied territories.

The toll on the Lebanese side of the border amounts to over 120 casualties, primarily Hezbollah fighters and around a dozen civilians, according to an AFP tally.

Hezbollah has vowed to continue retaliatory actions as long as the Israeli regime persists in its warfare against the besieged Palestinian territory.

The ongoing Israeli atrocities in Gaza has resulted in the deaths of over 18,200 Palestinians, predominantly women and children, with more than 50,000 others sustaining injuries. Additionally, Tel Aviv's blockade has cut off essential supplies—fuel, electricity, food, and water—to the more than two million Palestinians residing in the territory.

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